Managing the media gallery
You may wish to upload images or videos to your school website gallery. These are usually attractive pictures of your facilities or images/videos showing any other information you may want to show your visitors and users.
When logged on as a portal administrator, you can manage the Media Gallery by navigating to the menu "ADMIN >> Communication >> Media Gallery".
Adding/uploading photo and video media to the gallery
1. Click the button at the top right of the Media Gallery page.
You should see a modal similar to the image below
2. Provide a title for the media file.
3. If you want to add a video, enter its URL in the Video URL field. If you want to add an image, click and upload the image.
4. Click Save to save the media file to your gallery.
Updating a gallery media entry
1. Hove over the gallery item and click the button on the gallery item
2. Make the necessary changes and click Update to save
Deleting a gallery media entry
1. Hover over the gallery item and click the button.