Managing records of hostels
After creating your hostel categories, you are ready to start adding your hostels to them. If you have not created any categories, click here to learn how to create one
You can easily create and manage your hostels record by clicking the "Hostel" link under the menu.
Adding hostels
To add a hostel,
1. Click the button at the top of the page. You should see a dropdown similar to the image above.
2. Click the button. You should then see a pop up page similar to the image below
3. Enter the details of the hostel. The hostel type field implies the category the hosted will be listed under.
4. Click "Save" to finish saving the hostel.
Now that you know how to add a hostel, you are ready to learn how to add rooms to your hostel.
Editing/updating hostels
To edit a hostel, click it's "Edit" button
Deleting hostels
To edit a hostel, click it's "Delete" button